
Monday, July 30, 2007

White Castle is Restaurant of the Week for July 29

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White Castle’s is one of St. Louis’ gems. What a great place to eat at any time of the day or night. It was about two o’clock in the morning, and we drove through White Castle. There is nothing better than their little jalapeno cheeseburgers and chicken rings with cheese at two in the morning. This was after a night of drinking at the baseball game and then drinking some more at a bar. Good thing I didn’t drive. There are only a limited number of restaurants that will hit the spot under these circumstances and White Castle is one of them.

White Castle has some of the best drunk food ever. And the thing that is different about White Castle’s drunk food is that it still taste delicious when you are not drunk. For example, Eat Right has some of the best food at three in the morning, but there is no way I would set food in that place in daylight. The little White Castle hamburger is so tender and good it is like no other hamburger I have ever tasted. The menu has a ton of good food listed on it. Usually when I go to a place to eat I stick to one or two things, but at White Castle I can’t ever make up my mind. They have hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fish sandwiches, fish nibblers, chicken rings, cheese sticks, and more.

We are lucky here in St. Louis because we are blessed with so many White Castles. If you go about 120 miles west to Columbia, Missouri you can’t find one anywhere. This is a disgrace because when I would go down there to visit I would get hammered and I would want some White Castle’s and I would always be disapointed by some place I would end up eating.

Prices: Around 55-70 cents for a hamburger or cheeseburger. $2.50 for some chicken rings with cheese. Prices are very cheap.

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